Monday, March 8, 2010

Weekend Catchup: Quiet... Too Quiet

Well hi!

Now you'd think with all my new-fangled interwebs at home, I'd be making weekend posts.

You'd think that, but you'd be thinking that based on the idea that I have a cooperative computer which, when photos are uploaded onto it, wouldn't freeze up and have to be jolted back to life through clever use of the CTRL-ALT-DEL trick.

(I'm not complaining... it does what we need it too, the rest is just extras we can live without!)

The weekend was our first without TV, and it was very quiet.

It's not so much that I loved just having it on (I can't stand the jarring noise of the commercials), but it kind of...

Well, I'll be honest. It filled the void.

Breaking my addiction to TV As A Daily Standard will take a little time to do. While The Kid is content to sit on Facebook and Pogo (she loves those games), I find that when working out my Kraft Krazy, I like to have something to listen to or watch! I also like to, I'll admit, veg out on the couch and watch something stupid now and again.

The solution?

Our Local Library!

The have DVDs. Lots of them. For FREE! Plus books (SHOCKING) of which we procured several. I don't know why, but I always forget they're there. It's not a bad library, either, considering we're kind of a small town.

We watched my very favorite movie of all time (if I had to pick one), Auntie Mame (the one with Rosalind Russell), I introduced The Kid to Baron Von Munchausen (she loved it), we decided once and for all that we really should visit Oregon and Washington State more often (but that we can do without the fish-throwing at Pike Market - it just seems so unsanitary), and we learned all about how Orcas are complete assholes, pretty much all the time, if you're a Sperm Whale.

It's a crutch, of course... there are actual, real-life things to do out there in the world, and not having TV to fill the space makes one consider what those things might be.

Did we do any of them this weekend? Not really. But we were inspired, and did manage to get a few things done.

I made the chicken enchilada dish I was planning on. The Kid had a LOT of this, and she's kind of picky, so it was definitely a success! (She has very sensitive taste-buds - a foodie in training.) I thought it might be too oily, because you have to kind of quick-fry the tortillas in canolla oil first to soften them up (makes sense), but it all cooked up nicely!

I also made these. Come over! I'll make them for you!

I got super-far on the Birthday Bag, because I suddenly realized that the Birthday is fast approaching. I work better under pressure. It's very African and modern and I hope it's not ugly.

I think it's cute but it might be ugly.

We'll see!

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