Friday, May 15, 2009

Family Friday: Before and After

Oddly enough, the before & after pictures have them pretty much in the same order (at least where there heads are placed in the first one, if you were to mentally photo-shop them into a line), minus the left-hand sister there, who wasn't at the party.

I do have a ridiculously attractive family, don't you agree?

Well, not counting the "perm years". But it wasn't their fault... the 80's were cruel to everyone.

Andie, Julie & Susie in the back, David, Don & Peter in the front.

David, Don, Julie, Peter & Susie

I love that picture.

When did my mom end up the short one? Nobody knows. I think it's all the jostling around on horses... compressed her spine or something.

Happy weekend! Go spend time with your family!

I'll be at Elitch's, getting a sunburn and being bitter.

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