Monday, March 2, 2009

Weekend Catchup - Who's "TR"?

Editor's note... You may see a reference to TR in this 'ere blog and wonder who the hell I'm referring to, so I thought I'd go back and update spots in which he shows himself with a link to this *first* appearance, and start referring to him by something other than his actual name - protect the innocent and all that hahaha. TR stands for That Redhead. Dorky? Why, yes it is! But it's my blog s'there!)

You may have noticed the lack of a Family Friday edition last week, but you probably didn't and that's okay...
I took the day off, not to celebrate my Priceline Victory but rather to spend time with my friend Chris (the confirmed bachelorette) while she was in town.

It was a very nice time, as usual!

We did some fabric shopping (oh the deep-seated joy of finally being able to share my fabric addiction with Chris - she's been assimilated! Sorta!), and I picked up some fat quarters and some sale yards here and there. She got some more fabric for her impending favorite things quilt being made by her step-mom, and we even found a pattern she liked. I like it too, and I may end up making one. Lots of straight edges, just my thing. :)

We had some nice meals as well, thanks to her need to treat; I try to at least split it but she insists, and really, who am I to deny her? (Thanks, Chris, it really is a treat for us, and greatly appreciated.) We went to Lucille's (previously drooled about) and Pinocchio's, two of my favorite Longmont spots, and she enjoyed both I think!

Her visit also gave us both a chance to hang out and have dinner (at Tortuga, also a Longmont favorite) with TR at length and have grown-up time while the kid was at a sleepover; he unexpectedly stayed over (don't get all excited... I was on the couch, and per the girl: "NO BOYS IN MY BED!" - the plan is working!) so as to drive Chris to the airport on Sunday morning; normally she would take the shuttle that runs from the airport to points-elsewhere, but the old shuttle route has been discontinued and the new one sucks ass... it took her 2 1/2 hours to get her on Thursday evening, and it's not even a holiday. F that!

TR is truly a swell guy, he's been friends with Chris for years and years, he's really nice (you'd have to be to decide to sleep away from home just to give someone a ride in the morning!) and gets my Firefly geekness, and is even an excellent house-guest... he loaded my dishwasher after coffee! Lovely. I really need to keep in better touch... Chris hadn't been out for awhile and I hadn't talked to him since the last time she was here, which I'd like to remedy this time around. Maybe I can explore Denver a little... so far I think I've been there maybe 8 times in 5 years, and since TR lives in the heart of it (and assures me there's great Greek food to be had), the time may finally have come.

I spent yesterday afternoon (post-nap) finishing up the last bits of two of the Africa quilts that should have been done but weren't; I of course forgot to take pictures, but I will get a picture of the last one at least if I don't forget like a moron! I felt very accomplished.

Movie recommendation for the week... The Visitor. Richard Jenkins (one of my favorite That Guys - you might remember him as the dad on Six Feet Under) got an Oscar nod for this, and it was well-deserved. Go see it!

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